About Us

My name is Md Rabiul Islam (Saim) . Most of the people in this world they have different type of hobbies . I always want to established a Cyber Cafe of my own . In 2010 i take steep to do it and finally after some days i hav’done it . Now i have a academy of my own . The name of my Cafe is ,“ Saim Cyber NetTangail ”

Now at this time so many people are take facilities from my cafe . This all wil goes to almighty allah . I thank him to accompanied me in this way And to make me successful person in my aim . So please come to my cafe for visit and to fell my heartiest salaam to all of you .

A hard working person always successful but a lazy person does not . So , everybody we should be sincere in our life to gain in .Shakespeare says that “ life is nothing but a walking shadow ” . Life is a gift of almighty for us to do some thing better in our life long .

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